1. These Regulations for Exhibition Visitors organised by the company Lentewenc sp. z o.o., with its registered seat at at 83/73 Józefa Bema Street, 01-255 Warsaw, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 12th Commercial Department of the National Court Register, under a KRS number: 0000415363, REGON number: 146063993, NIP number: 5272675051, share capital PLN 1,567,500, hereinafter referred to as the “Organiser”. The Exhibition is hereinafter referred to as the “Event”.
  2. The regulations define the access conditions as well as order provisions, applicable to the Visitors during the Exhibition.
  3. These regulations are available for viewing at the registered seat of Lentewenc Sp. z o.o. (Skwer Ks. Kard. St. Wyszyńskiego 5/34, 01-105 Warsaw, Poland), at the Visitors’ Registration Point during the Exhibition at the event place, as well as on the Exhibition’s website.
  4. By obtaining access to the Exhibitions and their accompanying events, the Visitor accepts these Regulations, and agrees to adhere to their provisions accordingly.
  5. The Exhibitions are held in the area of EXPO XXI in Warsaw, ul. Ignacego Prądzyńskiego 12/14.
  6. The accompanying event may be organized by the Organizer’s partners. In this case, in the program of the Fair or directly at the place where the Fair is held, information about the Organizer’s partner, which is the organizer of a given accompanying event, will be available.


  1. Detailed access conditions include, among others, information on: opening dates and times of the Exhibition and their accompanying events, reception, types of access documents for Visitors, Visitors’ registration points.
  2. The access to the Exhibition is subject to charges, change and limitations depending on the accompanying events.
  3. The access to the Exhibition is free of charge for entrepreneurs and their representatives connected with a given branch of the Exhibition (with exception of groups listed in the Visitor’s Registration System on-line) and requires prior registration via the Visitors’ Registration System on the website of a given event, or at the actual venue directly in the Visitors’ Registration Point and completion of relevant consents.

IS OBLIGED to obey BASIC SAFETY TIPS AND PREACUTIONS – brochure can be downloaded from the event website,

  1. The Exhibition events may include presentations, workshops, lecture, trainings etc. referred to as accompanying events – visitors willing to participate in some of these events may be required to register on-site or pre-register on the Exhibition website.
  2. Visitors, when entering the Exhibition area, consent to have their images recorded by photo/film crews that cooperate with the Organiser. At the same time, Visitors consent to have their images processed by Lentewenc Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw. The consent includes multiple, unlimited in time, unlimited as to territory and free of charge Lentewenc’s Sp. z o.o. distribution of the Visitor’s image contained in the video and photos from the Exhibition, in order to promote the Exhibition and to promote activities of Lentewenc Sp. z o.o.. Videos and photos may be published especially on the Organiser’s website, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube channel.
  3. With regard to the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Official Journal of the European Union L 119) – hereinafter “GDPR”, effective from 25 May 2018, the Organiser informs that:

1) The controller of your personal data, such as:

a) First Name and Surname,

b) E-mail Address,

c) Telephone Number,

d) Image,

is Lentewenc spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Warsaw, at 83/73 Józefa Bema Street, 01-233 Warsaw (hereinafter “Controller”). You may contact the Controller via e-mail:

2) Your personal data will be processed by the Controller in accordance with the GDPR provisions, in order to hold and organise the Exhibition by Lentewenc Sp. z o.o., as well as to promote the Exhibition and activities of the Controller.

3) Your personal data will be processed under Article 6 Section 1(a) of the GDPR- “the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes”.

4) Personal data, that is processed based on your given consent, will be processed until this consent is withdrawn, or until you submit the request that must be taken into account, and that considers erasure of your personal data, restriction of the processing of your personal data, or objection to processing it.

5) Your personal data may be transferred to the Organizer’s partner in the event of your participation in accompanying events as part of the Fair organized by this partner – to the extent necessary to enable you to participate in accompanying events.

6) You have the right to request from the Controller the access to your personal data, to have your personal data rectified, erased, or to have its processing restricted, and the right to have your data transferred.

7) You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, i.e. President of the Personal Data Protection Office.

8) Controller informs that the contact list of registered Visitors may be made available to the organisers of the events connected with the Exhibition.

  1. In the case of applications for participation in the event, the Organizer is entitled to suspend the Online Applications without giving any reason, in particular if the maximum number of places is exhausted.
  2. Media accreditations shall be issued at the Visitors’ Registration Point. Granting an accreditation or lack thereof shall be decided by the Organiser or its representative. The decision to grant or refuse accreditation is final and is not subject to the right of appeal.


  1. Entrepreneurs/representatives/physical persons who do not represent the industry may be obliged to pay a fee to access these events. Up-to-date information on ticket prices are delivered by the Visitors’ Registration Point staff. The organiser reserves the right to discontinue the entry ticket sales without providing a reason (e.g. in particular situations indicated in § 4 of these Regulations).
  2. In order to purchase a ticket, the following steps must be performed: (1) complete the registration form on the event website, (2) accept the Regulations for Exhibition Visitors, (3) submit the online application to the Organizer by selecting the “Order with payment obligation” button.
  3. The Visitor is obliged to fill in the Form carefully, providing all the data in accordance with the facts. Providing data is voluntary, but it is necessary to purchase a ticket. It is not possible to make an online registration anonymously or using a pseudonym.
  4. After submitting the Online Application, an email confirming the online Application will be automatically sent to the Visitor’s email address.
  5. After the Organizer records the payment of the due amount, a confirmation of payment and information regarding participation in the Exhibition will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the Visitor.
  6. The Organizer has no obligation and does not apply the code of good practice referred to in Art. 2 point 5 of the Act of August 23, 2007 on counteracting unfair market practices (Journal of Laws 2016.3 as amended).
  7. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse to sell an admission ticket without giving any reason (eg. in certain situations indicated in § 5 of these Regulations).
  8. The visitor makes the payment on the basis of the pro forma invoice directly to the Organizer’s bank account. If such a possibility is made available by the Organizer the Visitor will be able to make an online payment via the PayU system.
  9. If payment is selected on the basis of a pro forma invoice:

1) A pro forma invoice will be issued within 3 working days from the date of submitting the Application and sent to the e-mail address provided in the application.

2) Payment of the remuneration due to the Organizer for participation in the Fair is to be made within 7 days from the date of issuing the pro forma invoice. In the case of the Application online for the event less than 7 days before the event, payments must be made within the time limit specified in the pro forma invoice.

3) Payments should be made to the Organiser’s bank account number indicated on the pro forma invoice.

  1. If Visitor choose online payment via the PayU system:

1) After selecting the button “Order with obligation to pay”, the Visitor will be automatically redirected to the PayU payment system. The visitor should proceed in accordance with the instructions on the PayU portal.

2) The invoice will be issued within the time limit resulting from the provisions of the tax law and sent to the e-mail address provided in the application.

3) If no online payment is made via the PayU system, despite the selection such form of payment, a pro forma invoice will be issued and sent to the specified in Application email address. Payment of the amount due to the Organizer is to be made within 7 days from the date of issuing a pro forma invoice, unless agreed individually different payment dates. In the case of Online Application for an event in within less than 7 days before the event, payment should be made in the date specified in the pro forma invoice. Payment must be made to the Organiser’s bank account indicated on the pro forma invoice.

  1. It is possible to withdraw from the ticket purchase contract without giving any reason within 14 days from the date of purchase, except for purchases made less than 14 days before the start of the event. In this case, the Visitor has time to withdraw from the contract only until the start of the event.
  2. If the Visitor wishes to withdraw from the contract, the Visitor should send a declaration of withdrawal from the contract by e-mail to the following address:
  3. The applicant hereby consents to the sending of invoices by electronic means.
  4. In the event of a complaint, the Visitor should contact the Organizer by e-mail at:, sending all the necessary information needed to consider the complaint, i.e. name and surname, company name, contact phone number, contact e-mail, description of the problem. The organizer will inform about the consideration of the complaint within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the complaint.




  1. Guests may receive, along with the access document, a package of additional benefits (publishing companies, access to accompanying events, etc.) which is offered by the Exhibition.
  2. During the Exhibition, a Visitor has the opportunity to access free consultations, advice, counselling etc. set forth in the Exhibition Programme.
  3. In order to simplify the tour of the Exhibition or other events, the Organiser shall provide
    a uniform labelling of the Exhibitors’ booths (not applicable to booths raised individually).
    Exhibition Catalogue also includes the booth location directory or a map.



  1. Visitors may be present in the area of the Exhibition only within the time frames of the Exhibitions – a detailed schedule may be found on the website of a given event. Visitors are allowed to collect their badge not later than 30 minutes before the exhibition closing time.
  2. Photographing, filming or sketching particular booths and Exhibits requires a prior consent from the Organiser. If the aforementioned actions should cause disturbance in the organisation or the flow of the Exhibition or its accompanying events, the Organiser shall issue a notice to refrain from such actions. Persons who do not observe this provision may be asked to leave the premises, upon the request of the Organiser.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to conduct any sales and promotion of products and services in any form, time and place at the fairgrounds, unless the aforementioned activities have been previously agreed with the Organizer. The Organizer reserves the right to remove a person who violates the ban from the fairgrounds and to charge them with a contractual penalty of PLN 10,000 net. Exhibitors of a given edition of the exhibition are exempt from the ban, with the proviso that the sales and promotion activities are limited to the Exhibitor’s stand or are conducted in a place and form agreed with the Organizer.
  4. Due to a commercial nature of the event, in order to ensure a relevant group of visitors the Organiser reserves the right to remove particular individuals from the Exhibition without stating a reason and with no further access to the Exhibition.
  5. On the premises of the Exhibition, it is strictly forbidden:

a) to bring in and use: firearms, pyrotechnical equipment, hazardous chemical substances, open fire, other materials which constitute a fire threat, property damage or inflicting danger to the health and life of visitors;

b) to bring in and consume alcohol, distribute or use abusive substances;

c) to disturb the public order (e.g. a loud, aggressive behaviour);

d) to bring in animals, skateboards, bicycles etc. unless a permission is granted by the Organiser owing to the nature of some events;

e) smoking in the Exhibition, conference areas except for areas dedicated to that very action, labelled accordingly;

f) to contaminate the Exhibition premises by litter generated by oneself;

g) to destroy the infrastructure.

6. Persons under a visible influence of narcotics or alcohol, or those attempting to bring in alcohol, abusive substance or hazardous items shall not be permitted to enter the premises.

7. Failure to observe the restrictions set forth in section 5 items a) – g) shall result in the execution of the Organiser’s right to immediately remove the Visitor from the Exhibition premises without the right to another entry, and, under justified circumstances, to notify the Police.

8. Visitors agree to:

a) respect the labelling of shut down areas which are subject to fire protection;

b) to follow the order instructions administered by the EXPO XXI Warsaw Centre staff owing to organisational issues or the necessity to secure the property and ensure safety of persons present at the Exhibition;

c) remove any self-generated litter by placing it in the containers;

d) children up to the age of 13 may be present at the Exhibition only under the adult supervision (parents, custodians etc.).


  1. The Exhibition Organisers reserve the right to call off, shorten or postpone the Exhibition, and thus shall inform the visitors of this fact in advance on their websites.
  2. A Visitor undertakes to secure the property brought in to the Exhibition in case of any potential damage or loss, at their own cost and risk (e.g. keys, documents, hand luggage, laptop, photo camera, mobile phone etc.).
  3. Visitors shall be held financially responsible for any damage caused to the Exhibition Organiser’s property (damage, shortage, etc.). The damage assessment shall be made by the claimant in the presence of the Organiser and the Visitor or their representative, and shall be put in writing in a relevant report.
  4. Visitors shall held responsible for any damage caused to third party, including other visitors.
  5. Parents or custodians are responsible for the safety of the children up to the age of 13.
  6. Organised groups chaperones shall be responsible for the safety of their people in care, and is obliged to ensure that they abide by the order regulations.
  7. A registering visitor shall be responsible for the veracity and correctness of data provided, including consequences resulting from providing incomplete or erroneous data, especially the
    e-mail address.


  1. The Regulations are enforceable as of 01.01.2022.
  2. The Organiser undertakes to inform of any amendments in the Regulations and publish their uniform text on the website of a given event.
  3. In cases not provided for in these Regulations, the legal provisions, especially the provisions of the Civil Code, shall prevail.
  4. Any disputes with international customers shall be settled based on the Polish text of the Regulations. These Regulations shall be governed and interpreted by the legal provisions of the Republic of Poland.