Agnieszka Kazuś

President / DBL

President of the DBL Wynajem Odzieży Roboczej Sp. z o.o., and the owner of Kazus Partner, brings over 20 years of business experience in an international environment, particularly in team building, sales development, corporate strategy, and brand positioning. She is responsible for the digital transformation within the DBL Poland Group and serves as an ambassador for change and process transformation within organizations.

Since taking the helm of DBL in 2014, the company has received numerous awards for entrepreneurship and dynamic growth, including the “Gazela Biznesu” (Business Gazelle) awards in 2017, 2018, and 2019, as well as the Forbes Diamonds 2023.

She is also a laureate of entrepreneurship competitions, such as “Kobieta Przedsiębiorcza Wielkopolski 2012”,  and the literary competition “Ja – kobieta przedsiębiorcza” (I – Entrepreneurial Woman) organized by the Klub Kobiet Przedsiębiorczych (Club of Women Entrepreneurs) in 2009. She has been a member of the Klub Kobiet Przedsiębiorczych since 2008 and serves as a mentor at the Fundacja Liderek Biznesu (Business Leaders Foundation) and APLO Instytut Humanites. She is also the author of numerous public speeches and articles related to leadership, sales strategy, and team building.

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