Beata Jaworska

Foodservice Category & Marketing Manager / Kraft Heinz

Foodservice Category & Marketing Manager at KraftHeinz Foodservice, responsible for nearly 2 years for the business of products under the HEINZ and PUDLISZKI brands for Gastronomy. Previously, for over 12 years, she managed Culinary, Savory, and Sweet Categories at NESTLE Professional for brands such as WINIARY, CHEF, GARDEN GOURMET, LION, and KIT KAT. She consistently directs her career based on FOOD, starting from education in Food Technology and Human Nutrition at SGGW, spending a year at the Faculty of LIFE University of Copenhagen, combining technical knowledge with a keen awareness of customer needs and challenges, trying to respond to them while working at the largest giants in the FMCG industry, in the part of the business aimed at gastronomy. She is the Organizer of the Polish edition of the global HEINZ Selection program, distinguishing the best burger destinations in the world, taking it to the next level by creating real burger challenges, with the next edition already on 21.03.2024 at the SMAKKi GASTROTARGI.

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