Paweł Gruba

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A certified trainer in psychosocial competence. For over 11 years, he has been involved in the development of business owners and managerial staff. He is a practitioner and trainer in managerial competencies, providing training and support for the development of various service industries. He organizes or co-creates some of the largest culinary events in Poland and hosts commented dinners, cultural events, and conferences.

He is a graduate of master’s and engineering studies at the Warsaw University of Technology and holds international certifications, including “Master of Business,” “Master in Art of Neuro-Linguistic Programming,” and “Practitioner in Art Of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.”

While managing a restaurant in Warsaw, he earned the title of “Restaurant of the Year” in the Gazeta Wyborcza competition. For 6 seasons, he served as a restaurant manager in the program Hell’s Kitchen – Piekielna Kuchnia, leading the dining room and the waitstaff team.

He is a co-owner of the V4B Vision For Business project, which aims to increase profits in the restaurant industry. Along with the team, he oversees more than 200 gastronomic establishments, monitoring them on a monthly basis.

He is the creator and host of the program “GRUBE ROZMOWY,” which airs every Sunday at 3:00 PM on YouTube. In this program, he invites people from the world of gastronomy who are masters in their field for casual, humorous conversations in a friendly atmosphere.

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