Sabina Obwiosło-Budzyń

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The owner of Construction Company ANBUD Sp. z o.o., which she has been running and developing with her husband (CEO) for nearly 10 years; and co-owner of a company that organizes international trade fairs for the HoReCa industry – SMAKKi GASTROTARGI. She has been gaining her experience in managing people for over 20 years. Before she decided to run her own companies, she worked in managerial positions in international structures of a company with Canadian capital.

She is a graduate of the Silesian University of Technology and the Academy of Economics (now the University of Economics) in Katowice. She completed postgraduate studies and training in management and leadership, including the ICAN INSTITUTE management program and the Academy of Leadership Psychology of Jacek Santorski. She is a participant of Autorytety Program  of Jacek Santorski.

In her professional and private life, she is guided by the idea of building relationships with people, taking into account the importance of the role of contact. Constantly develops her skills of listening and being attentive to herself and the other person. She is passionate about the GESTALT modality school of psychotherapy, which she attended.

She loves the mountains, which give her a sense of freedom and fulfillment.

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