Ewelina Brdak

Restaurant Manager / Rozbrat 20

She has been associated with the Ferment Group since 2012, encompassing 5 premium restaurants in Warsaw (Butchery&Wine, Le Braci, Kieliszki na Próżnej, Koneser Grill, Rozbrat 20), a restaurant in Gdynia (Butchery&Wine Gdynia), along with 2 boutique wine shops (Grono, Wine Corner Biały Kamień), and a wine importing business (Vini e Affini). From 2012 to 2015, she garnered knowledge and experience under the mentorship of eminent managers and sommeliers at Butchery&Wine, contributing to the creation of its first service team. Her passion, dedication, and determination, fueled by her accumulated experiences, led her to become the first and sole manager of Rozbrat 20, a restaurant renowned for its multiple transformations and evolving culinary leadership.

Prior to her tenure with the Ferment Group, she worked at the Italian restaurant Boscaiola, a pioneering establishment in Warsaw that set the trend for Italian ristorante in the city. It stood out as the sole venue authentically representing Italian regional cuisine. She is recognized as one of the trailblazers in the Polish gastronomy scene, particularly in managerial roles. With her strength, grace, and professionalism, she continuously carves a path for other women in these challenging and influential positions.

This version maintains the focus on her professional journey and contributions, while emphasizing her role as a trailblazer and mentor for other women in the gastronomy industry.

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