dr. Joanna Heidtman

Psychologist, sociologist, consultant, and executive coach /

Psychologist, sociologist, consultant, and executive coach. She gained knowledge and experience, including studies at the University of South Carolina and Cornell University in the USA. For 14 years, she conducted research on conflicts and group dynamics at the Laboratory of Group Processes at the Jagiellonian University. She co-manages Heidtman & Piasecki company and is a co-founder of the Foundation for Intellectual Capital. A lecturer in postgraduate studies at SWPS University, teaching leadership, effective teamwork, group dynamics, and personal effectiveness. She collaborates with Jacek Santorski’s Academy of Leadership Psychology, delivering individual coaching and advisory sessions in psychology. Her lectures and workshops have become integral to change and development processes in dozens of companies across various industries. She designs and implements multi-month Leadership Development Programs, supporting and consulting on organizational change processes. Her publications have appeared in academic and popular journals: Harvard Business Review, Coaching, ThinkTank, Newsweek Psychologia, Zwierciadło, and Sens. She collaborates as an expert with online portals, radio, and television stations. She holds a certificate in “Art & Science of Coaching” issued by Erickson College International, an “Insights Discovery™” license, a certification as an advisor using the “Action Learning” method, and is currently completing a 4-year course in psychodynamic psychotherapy. Her books “Harmony with Yourself, Harmony with Others” and “Group Processes” focus on individual effectiveness and teamwork issues. Her latest book co-authored with Piotr Piasecki is “SENSOTWÓRCZOŚĆ. How to Manage Knowledge Workers in Modern Organizations” (Pub. MTBiznes).

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