Somchai Phansritoom

Chef / CHAI THAI Restaurant in Wrocław

CHAI THAI Restaurant in Wrocław is a new restaurant located in Karłowice in Wrocław, established in early 2023, serving only authentic and original Thai cuisine, which was awarded the THAI SELECT certificate in October 2023.

The heart and soul of CHAI THAI is SOMCHAI PHANSRITOOM – co-owner and master chef with over 18 years of experience. He was also an inspiration for the name of the restaurant, because the word “CHAI” in Thai means “YES”, but it is also a shorter form of the name Somchai, so CHAI THAI can be understood in two ways, i.e. as “CHAI’S THAILAND” and as “YES – THAI” 😊

Somchai comes from the northern province of Nong Khai, located on the border with Laos and belonging to the Isaan region located in eastern and north-eastern Thailand. Isan origin and identity has a huge influence on Somchai’s cuisine and cooking art.
Already as a teenager, he started working in local street food places to improve his knowledge, skills and experience. In Thailand, in his home province, he ran a five restaurants serving a variety of menus. His motto is, above all, quality and authenticity. On the one hand, it is important for him to keep the traditional canon, and on the other – to experiment with flavours, ingredients and non-obvious combinations, to create original recipes and sauces, and to focus on details.

Somchai came to Poland a few years ago and at CHAI THAI he created a team of cooks and kitchen helpers consisting only of his compatriots from the Isaan region. His restaurant – apart from the classics of Thai cuisine – also includes dishes that debuted in Wrocław and the region. For Somchai every detail is important, so that finally there is no lack of what is the most important and beautiful in Thai cuisine, i.e. colors, aroma, discovering different regions of Thailand, and above all – unique taste 😊

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